Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New Items

Hello!  I just got back from Micheals and I got a piece of Black Onyx that was wire wrapped to use as a pendant on on of my hemp necklaces!  Very excited!  Here are pics and where you can purchase it!
Black Onyx Pendant Necklace on Etsy
Black Onyx chunk on hemp necklace

Black Onyx pendant with crystalization

Hemp Necklace with Wire Wrapped Onyx

Friday, July 8, 2011

Long time no post

Hey everyone!
  I've been super busy lately.  I've been gearing up over the past several weeks to do a deal with in the orlando area where if u sign up for free with you receive emails a few times a week for huge discounts with local shops.

My deal starts on Monday, if you sign up, you will receive an email sometime Monday morning with my deal, you can purchase a $5 voucher and get $10 worth of hemp jewelry from my shop, that's half off! refer a friend to and get a $10 credit!

One of my friends just recently opened an etsy shop.  She sells hand crochet scarves and baby blankets.  They are so adorable!  Please check her out!