Saturday, March 31, 2012

Insanity Day 3

Hello all!  More of a personal post rather than about my hemp bracelets this time.  I just finished my workout of Insanity day 3.  Lets just say it totally kicked my but and Im surprised that I'm still alive right now.  The videos so far are mostly where you do a few different moves, then take a  break, then repeat them again but faster. Some of the moves are very hard for me to do more than a few, so i've altered them for now untill i get stronger.  One is where you do pushupsthen you jump in the air, then back down and do more pushups.  I've altered it where I just do 10 girl pushups, then stand up, then go back down and do more. So excited/exhausted :)
  Anyways I've bought some new stuff from Joanns so over the next few days i'm gonna start adding some new items.  Im also gonna start experimenting with different closures other than the bead and loop.

Until next time,

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Brand New Buttons!

Buttons for hemp bracelets

I got some new buttons that I'm gonna add to my hemp bracelets as the closure!  SO exciting!  There are so many different colors and sizes for me to mix and match, keep updated for new bracelets featuring these beauties!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Facebook Page and Insanity Workout

Hello everyone!
  I know this is a blog for my business but im so excited i just feel like sharing!  My amazing boyfriend just bought me the insaity workout videos!  Im so excited i can't wait to get started.  I've been working out/going to the gym/very physically fit my whole life but i feel like trying something different.  I did the fit test from youtube and i've heard of many people having success with it.  Im so excited, if yall care i might update this blog with my results!
  Anyways, I have a facebook page finally for CustomHempTreasures and here it is
I have tons of new bracelets up on my etsy account, like a Mr and Mrs Hemp bracelets great for your
Mr. & Mrs. Hemp Bracelets

 wedding!  Keep checking back for new updates and new products, Im currently working on a Hemp Watch!